
Strong Wind

  anxiety is like a strong wind, it also makes you overthink, This can lead to drugs and drink and throwing up in a random kitchen sink. Instead of letting this strong wind contol you,  fly away on a pretty rainbow to a place  with alot of snow so you can make a  snowman friend. listen to the end take a breathe and don't let anxiety  drive you round the bend

7 DEADLY SINS WITCHES AND TEMPTATIONS: Stories and Cautionary tales An original penny dreadful For the children of today

  7 DEADLY SINS WITCHES AND TEMPTATIONS: Stories and Cautionary tales An original penny dreadful For the children of today Hello little ones and welcome to the first issue of the 7 deadly sins penny dreadfuls. Parents please be aware that penny dreadfuls originate from the Victorian era but these ones are actually child friendly and teach children about sin in a safe way. Although there are horror stories here they are all fiction today. This is my first time writing a penny dreadful and I do hope to improve and just a note to adults and children alike, remember to be the best person you can be.                               CHAPTER ONE: The pride of Sarah Goode Back in Salem Sarah Goode was said to be a witch, she was said to be old and haggard and cruel to little girls, she was proud of her wickedness and would eat little girls for dinner and she would turn little boys into toads as well. Lucky the witchfinder found her and sent her off t

truth be told- you won't like it but it is the truth

  Truth Be Told Little girls shouldn’t be around dangerous men but when little girls have only known dangerous men are they really that dangerous? Most kids are scared of the monster under the bed, not the one in it with them. I’m used to chaos but sometimes I wish for peace, to know what it is without being dragged into something. Maybe such peace only exists in death. You don’t stick your hand back in the fire when you realise it hurts. But what if you don’t feel the pain? What if you get burnt so bad you switch off? Girls are born as Girls and Boys are born as Boys but call me an orange and I’d go with it. It’s true you can identify as whatever you want but you are born as what you are and I’ve nothing against anyone but people are pushing this on kids as if a five year old girl is going to think they are a boy and vice versa, people should let kids be kids. People always want to act self righteous and none of us are, I have done horrible things and said horrible thing



The best writers

 The best writers they greet death, pain, suffering,hell,hate,love,rage,sadness,purity. The best writers greet hurt, agony, joy. A tempest of emotion not leaving out the motion of jumping off a bridge, the unmistakeable itch of being alone. Suicidal ideation.  You call me an artist I call myself worthless. You call me a beauty but if anything I am broken. Scribbling down these notes ...these stories these poems perhaps you'd pay more attention if it was drawn into my arm. My blade sharp as my mind but my heart dull like a contract with god just went null and the devil took over.  Feels like I was ran over but wait no...stop it's just these demons in my mind. The sly smile of a foe I can't distinguish the one of a friend. I am at my wit's end.  Yet You don't see it or hear it I call out my face a picture from a horror movie or more like one of being tortured. I am in a cell I cannot breathe you are stood outside but I hold the key. Can you not see I can not unlock it

Summer holiday-a danger (rewrite).

   I like school, even with No friends, its my escape from my cruel life, that God handed me.  I don't like the summertime and it's not the heat that bothers me, It's the hand around my throat, The bruises He didn't realise he caused. Not so much on my skin, more in my heart...In my soul. Yet I still do not see Him as a soulless monster, I just see myself as alone all along. This is what I prefer, although I wish there was a way to make Him deter.  I am more of a prisoner of my own mind rather than His arms... I wish I had a coat of arms to protect me on a shield. Although I would never cause him harm, You don't bite the hand that feeds you, nor the hand that saved you.

Important notice

 I want to say a massive thank you to all my fans ....and a warm welcome to JULES. If you mention your name and you comment you will be mentioned and welcomed. 

how i function how i feel

                                                                   How I Feel                                                                    How I Function   Freedom, How do You explain it? Is Freedom like being a bird soaring in the sky high above? An eagle perhaps? Safety, What does it mean to feel Safe, truly safe? Is it a soft blanket and a lullaby to dull the sounds of a roaring storm? I wish i could truly know both but it seems I am more a Broken Machine rather than a Person that thinks and feels. I suppose it is more difficult knowing that my physical scars are more self induced than my mental ones. I find it unusual how My physical scars don't affect me as much as my mental ones, How do I function when I have lost the manual? Will the ghost of my  stolen innocence ever really go away? Will the memories ever come to mind so that I may finally lay this hidden truama to rest? Or will the ghost in my mind be there for the rest of my existance? Will the whispers of not being


                    HAPPY NEW YEARS MY LITTLE CROWS AND RAVENS                    I HOPE YOU HAVE A BRILLIANT YEAR!                   THERE WILL BE NEW CONTENT SHORTLY                     SEE YA'LL NEXT YEAR                   LOTS OF LOVE                           MISS RAVEN

Sweet Raven Broken Heart

  Sweet Raven Broken Heart Sweet Raven why do you cry so? Those that hurt you are hurt themselves and not worth your time or tears, Tell me all your fears and lay them to rest my small feathered friend, This sorrow you feel will not be your end. All you have to do is ask and I will be here to Lend, I will Lend whatever it is you need to fight the fire, that burns so deep and makes you weep, The memories are like an ocean but please don’t drown, that would do more than make me frown. Little raven, little Raven please believe you are worth saving. I love you little Raven so do not fear for I will always be close and near. Now my darling shed your last tear and rise anew, like a phoenix, out from the flame, You are not to blame reach for the stars and you may find fame.

a point well proved

   there is not a shadow without there being light as there is no day without night,there is no peace without war but to want anything more would not be such a bore, there is no law without something to break there is no lake without land on which to stand so my dear lord trust and take my hand so that we may one day relax on this precious sand

Sweet Marie

  Sweet Marie where shall I find Thee,  What am I to do Alone without Ye. Who am I to be. Is there a future, for Ye and Me,  Will We ever have the chance to be, Is it just a chance of wait and see? Sweet, Sweet Marie,  How I do love Thee.

What is a shadow without the light

  the flicker of a candle that lights up a room, casts shadows agaisnt the wall, a small child, afraid of the dark is hiding under the blankets in the very thing they fear, a bright angel comes and shows the child the fun of the shadows  and a black spirit shows the child the saftey of the night, better to be in the dark then have everything be to bright. The child learns to put value on the light and darkness, to understand true equality, you cannot have light without the dark, love without the hate, pain without the peace and death without the life.

Sweet Winter WonderLand

I look around the snowy field, and although I am dressed for Summer, I feel no cold. I grab my phone and put my favourite winter song on -christmas time with you by linsey stirling. I dance around the field, and see a friend of mine, He is much older than I am and seems sad.  I always valued Him, and cared deeply for Him.  I walk upto Him, but He doesn't seem to see me. He has tears in His eyes and whispers "I wonder where my little Raven went." I am confused and hurt now, for despite my name being Anna Grace, He always called Me Raven, due to my Raven black hair. To take My mind off this strangeness, I spin around in the snow only to notice I am wearing a pure white dress, I never wear dresses. Usually only Jeans, boots and a top. I never wear white and I never wear pink, yet I have pink slip on shoes on, it starts to snow again. I stop spinning aound to see Edward (my friend) crying, I frown. I don't like my friends being sad, I go to hug Him but it seems I can'

Happier without me-So it must be

  Now I see I hurt You, I know it's hard but now I free You. You look happier now, Him and You. A smile, A nod, A wave will hide the truth, I keep my distance... In the corner of the room with vintage wine. I wish You were Mine, but I don't deserve You. At least now You're happier, Him and You. Perhaps some day I will be too.

Summer holiday-a danger

  I like school, even with No friends, its my escape from my cruel life, that God handed me.  I don't like the summertime and it's not the heat that bothers me, It's the hand around my throat, The bruises He didn't realise he caused. Not so much on my skin, more in my heart...In my soul. Yet I still do not see Him as a soulless monster, I just see myself as alone all along. This is what I prefer, although I wish there was a way to make Him deter.  I am more of a prisoner of my own mind rather than His arms... I wish I had a coat of arms to protect me on a shield. Although I would never cause him harm, You don't bite the hand that feeds you, nor the hand that created you.

Little Me

  Dear Little Me, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect You, I guess Our childhood was a bit like poop. Now You're older and You fear the touch of even a Lover, You really miss Your closest brother (K) You understood more than You should, and You didn't understand enough at the same time. You're now in You're youth, not yet in Your prime. You almost think it's time, but Your fear an abduction and that would break Your soul.

Dashing through the snow

  Dashing through the snow, I wish You would let Me go. When did You stoop so low,  You're meant to be My Uncle. My family, but You prefer My tears,  Even after all these years. I guess I'll never confront My fears, You really only left Me filled with tears.

(TW CH-SA) Pretty Pretty Polly (P2) A Chilhood

  My Brother went away, The old man came.  My Brother looked for me, I was locked away. In the Deep Dark basement, I heard Him every summer. With my Assailant, He never had a clue,  Of what that Man would do, In the Deep Dark basement. I got older and He got sicker, I had to learn to forgive. Then the Man went mental and shot Me,  Sure it was a shock to Me as I meet My Brother again. Now I go back to the Dark.

(TW CH-SA) Pretty Pretty Polly

  Pretty Pretty Polly, He never paid the price,  It seems Fate rolled an ugly dice. I suppose, to do it more than twice, It was never ever nice, He did it more and more, Until You were a bore. Others would blame You,  Ask You what you wore,  But you were never that! Never a Whore. There was a Law and it was broken, Just like Your heart,  and Your Brothers, and even possibly Your Mothers.

Missing a Daddies love

  I knew my Daddy once, except I didn't really know Him. He broke My heart twice and then He did it again, Yet My arms still reach out to Him, or at least where He once stood, longing for His return. My heart is screaming and My mind is sobbing. When He does not  return, I am Stoic and seemingly Uncaring. I look for a Daddy in every Man I meet. There is never a replacement. My heart is Broken, yet My Faith remains in the One Father that loves me unconditionally.  When I think I am evil or unloveble, He loves Me greatly. Unlike the Man in Man-kind

A barmaids tale (TW SA/CH.M/DMA)

I take the stage at the bar I work at and I look around at the many vulcans socializing.  As I start to sing it seems everyone in the room stops and watches 'the show', but then my 'husband' walks in and despite him being Vulcan I know that I am in danger.  I am five minutes late.  The fear on my face is evident, and mt collegue working the bar suddenly understands, Why i am always injured in one way or another.  I feel everything slipping out of control, as my collegeue approaches my 'husband' and calls him out on not only bieng a Woman B***er but a P******le, and a R****t.  A fight starts and my 'husband' loses.  I just keep singing O'come O'come Emmanual, as my 'husband' bleeds out on the floor and my collegue explains everything that I told him.

A ravens solace

  I hesitate as I look at the door leading to the potions classroom, it is way after hours and I have just realised, I don't want to die. I knock on the door and enter before Professor Snape can respond, He is grading papers. He looks up and glares at me. "What do you want Miss Ravenna?" Severus askes curtly I respond "Do you know what Belladonna syrup is?" "Of course I do, why do you ask about such a thing" Snape responds somewhat annoyed I slam the empty vial down on his desk, which startles him.  "Why?" Snape whispers turning pale I pause for a moment and tell Him the whole story, it is safe to say ge did not expect what i told him and I don't think anyone could have, it didn't seem real. "Severus, I don't want to die." i say with tears in my eyes (it is a rare thing for me to show emotion) Professor snape raises an eyebrow at my using his name but he gives me the antidote and tries his best to comfort me, which was u


  Hey guys, sorry i haven't been here for a while, been busy and i still am, i will try and write more hope you are all doing well and if you're not thats okay, i hope i inspire you

A Fathers Daughter

  I am my Fathers Daughter and yet sometimes it feels as if I am Father-less. A Father is meant to teach His Daughter what a future husband should be, in a sense a Daughters' Father is Her first love. My Father showed me men could be: cold, cruel, neglectful, manipulative and harmful. instead He should have shown me men as: caring, calm, patient, loving and kind.  Despite all of this I love my Father, I know deep down He loves me and yet he pushes me away and makes me a shadow in His life.  I wonder what I have done to cause Him any strife.  I want to understand, what did I do wrong?!

(published piece) Empower

  Lizzie walked into the massive classroom and her mind started to go wildwith all the anxiety she felt as soon as she set foot in the car park. As all eyes turned to her, She felt as if she was being suffocated. The more they watched her as she moved to give her new college teacher her late note, the less empowered Lizze felt. Lizzie's mother had always said "no matter what, always believe in yourself."  Mr Clarkson simply directed Lizzie to her seat and continued the lesson, not beothering to read the note. The work set had lizze's mind spinning out of control. Lizzie's anxiety built up like a boiling pot about to explode, a volcano. A knock at the door b rought Lizzie back to reality, as everyone looked. They saw an elegant young man named Marco, Lizze felt calm as the man spoke to her teacher and then sat next to Lizzie. Mraco explained that he was there to assist her in any way required. The next day everything semmed so much eaiser, with the help of Lizzie&#

Quick Update

  Hey there guys I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while alot of changes have happened and alot of changes are still happening but I will try to keep writing more, AI hope you like the new anthology, that one is now over but the previous one is still a work in progress and will be for a long time, although I am sure my ADHD will get round to it everntually, Hope you are doing great  Miss Raven xoxo

based on the song by coldplay) Fix you (Sadness anthology 6) (can be sung)

  Fix Yourself, Fix Yourself.  Never good enough for socities unrealistic standards! What a waste, What a waste. What could be worse. Too skinny or Too fat!? I pray the light guide me home, where I do truly belong. My soul used to be ignited with such a light, but I was told I was too bright, You didn't break my bones but you left me here alone. "I will try to fix you" I say in the mirror but I don't need fixing, I need loving.  I once felt so high above the clouds but now I feel so down, down, so low on the ground. I pray the light guide me home, where I do truly belong. My soul used to be ignited with such light, but I was told I was too bright, You didn't break my bones but you left me here alone.  "I will try and fix you" I say in the mirrror but I don't need fixing, I need loving.  I once felt so high above the clouds but now feel so down, down, so low on the ground. I thought I should love myself, but I had to let the thought go, As tears strea

snowflake (Sadness anthology 5)

  I see the snow and it has a certain glow, yet it seems I've never felt this low before. Before the age of four, I was something to adore but after, I was a bore no one cared for. Despite their constant lies, each time they lied a bit of me would die.  Each time they would abandon me, I would lose trust over and over. But now its Over, I never had a caring good family that i wasn't torn away from for no reason.  I feel like this should be treason.

Identity-less Identity-less (Sadness anthology 4)

  Rolled in under a white sheet. "No identity" says the Shadow-man And I wonder if he means in life or death.  I suppose he meant in Death but its all I felt in Life, Which is more like being dead and forgotten on the inside, But being fake on the outside do that you would never know 

Healed or Damaged further (Sadness anthology 3)

  Maybe to heal my broken heart, I have to be re-ripped apart. But if that is so let me do it with my own shard. for at least then it my choice and for once I am in control.

A Broken heart (Sadness anthology 2)

  God gave all, God ends all, The first word and the last word cannot save my broken heart or ruined spirit. Like the fire my mind spits burning embers, the fire from hell burns but No angel can save me now. Ruined by my own accored, Trust built and Trust broken. Equally give and Equally take, But still it seems only Pain is to be lef tin my wake.  perhaps if I were to sleep in a lake God would cleanse me and help me realize my soul is only His to take.  Jesus died for all our Sins but even so if I were alone He would die for me again, there is no Gain only Faith. Somtimes a lost sheep gets slaughted but it wanders off on its on accored. Perhaps I was always meant to burn, so just let  me go already, Confirm what I already know and strike the match before the snow. Perhpas God will reincarntae me into a beautiful doe, or perhaps I will be doomed for an eternity or more. Just answer me this...What is the point?  I'm ruined beyond repair in a way you can neither compare nor understan

Fading Heart (Sadness Anthology 1)

 A wondering soul, A lost heart. Fade,Fade Fade away. No bruise just screams on the inside, Just pain on the inside. Fade,Fade Fade away. The tears which you never see, Stain my heart. Let it be,  Let it be. A soul with No Identity, Lost,Alone and Afriad. Bleeding like the stinging cut, bloodied like the sharpend blade. Let it be, Let it be. Perhaps with torn identity, it is time to fade. So offer no aid! it is too late, today is the date.

True colours well hidden

                                      True colours well hidden     I knock on the door of the potions classroom, knowing that I was pr obably in massive trouble, why else would the grumpiest, nastiest professor want to see me.   Had I not handed in my homework, had I done something to anger him.   I realise the door has opened and look up to see Professor Snape glaring at me.     “Miss Raven, are you just going to stand there or are you going to enter the classroom, so we can talk?” asked Professor Snape     “S-sorry Professor, Why am I here?” I reply     Unexpectedly My head of house grabbed my arm  and pulled me into his classroom.   I had never been in his classroom after hours before as of course at Hogwarts students were not allowed out of bed after hours.     I looked around, of course nothing really changed, yet the room see med way darker than usual and being alone here with my Professor didn’t help the odd feeling of unease.     “Would you like a drink, Miss raven” asked