truth be told- you won't like it but it is the truth


Truth Be Told

Little girls shouldn’t be around dangerous men but when little girls have only known dangerous men are they really that dangerous?

Most kids are scared of the monster under the bed, not the one in it with them.

I’m used to chaos but sometimes I wish for peace, to know what it is without being dragged into something. Maybe such peace only exists in death.

You don’t stick your hand back in the fire when you realise it hurts. But what if you don’t feel the pain? What if you get burnt so bad you switch off?

Girls are born as Girls and Boys are born as Boys but call me an orange and I’d go with it.

It’s true you can identify as whatever you want but you are born as what you are and I’ve nothing against anyone but people are pushing this on kids as if a five year old girl is going to think they are a boy and vice versa, people should let kids be kids.

People always want to act self righteous and none of us are, I have done horrible things and said horrible things and made mistakes. What we need to do is not call a boy a girl when he dresses up in a dress its just clothing we should instead talk to them about it and ask about their interests. A difference in liking clothing or makeup or hair styles doesn’t mean a difference in gender. I could shave my hair off but people would assume because I am a girl I either have cancer or I am supporting someone with it. People need to grow up and not be so sensitive, we all started the same we will all become the same and our lives are so short that it will be over in 50 blinks…yet we waste time acting like idiots. People thing the government have things under control they don’t all they want is money and they are willing to commit genocide to do it many times throughout history and currently we have seen this. It is pathetic when a five year old can be more mature than an adult.

School doesn’t teach us anything it has outlived its usefulness. Unless you count social studies and home economics but even then why don’t we get taught how to do our taxes and buy houses and drive cars. Why do parents abuse their kids over phones and chores and homework? Firstly I get chores need to be done as a family but kids have so much going on today that I don’t think it would hurt for you to do the dishes for once. You complain about kids and screen time or you don’t let them have any firstly to the latter parents they need it and to the former try being a parent and not shoving a piece of tech in front of your kids.

Transgender men aren’t men they are females.

Transgender females aren’t females they are men.

Just because you identify as something does not make you that thing. Feel free to wear dresses or bind yourself or wear makeup but do not pretend just because you’re insecure and need therapy that you are something that you aren’t... you need therapy not a gender change or a pronoun change. This is getting out of hand and I am making a stand. I am 20 and I can behave more mature than most this planet.


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