The best writers

 The best writers they greet death, pain, suffering,hell,hate,love,rage,sadness,purity.

The best writers greet hurt, agony, joy.

A tempest of emotion not leaving out the motion of jumping off a bridge, the unmistakeable itch of being alone. Suicidal ideation. 

You call me an artist I call myself worthless. You call me a beauty but if anything I am broken.

Scribbling down these notes ...these stories these poems perhaps you'd pay more attention if it was drawn into my arm.

My blade sharp as my mind but my heart dull like a contract with god just went null and the devil took over. 

Feels like I was ran over but wait no...stop it's just these demons in my mind. The sly smile of a foe I can't distinguish the one of a friend. I am at my wit's end. 

Yet You don't see it or hear it I call out my face a picture from a horror movie or more like one of being tortured. I am in a cell I cannot breathe you are stood outside but I hold the key. Can you not see I can not unlock it even with the key and I'm just waiting for you to pass me. 

Let me pass you the key you cannot hear but death does and the demons whisper and mock. There it in whom a friend I can find.

Like spock said to Kirk- live long and prosper but how can one prosper in this life or any other let alone live long when I would rather be gone. I would rap this up but it isn't a song. 


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