
Showing posts from July, 2022

Ebony's' story (Not A True Story )

 Waking up is the hardest part of the day, having to leave through this hell. Next its getting ready for college, what's the point? Paying attention in class, why bother? A bright young star dimming by the second this is ebony. Ebony the one that always smiles and is so polite, she never cries at least not on the outside and not publicly. a sweet and tender young flower at her height yet so soon to fall, Only in a human life it is not like autumn, because at least in autumn there is some level of beauty. Alone in the back of the class undaring to enter the lunch hall unnoticed, invisible and uncared for. She gets back home and her father a vicious drunk beats her again and again but with cold words not his fists not always. A while later unable to take it any longer and hating herself she takes her old mans gun and goes to her yard. She checks if it has bullets in it and it does have only one.  But one is all she needs she tells herself. Poor fading flower, no on is aiding her. Poo

About the Raven short

 Hey guys, I just wanted to give a little background, many of you know nikola tesla and John aren't a part of tolkiens' work They are charactors from sanctary which I strongly recommed watching if you can.  Anyway I hope you enjoyed this short although you should be aware it is yet to be finished.  Thanks for reading and sorry it was in so many parts, good things come in time, despite being published the same day. Miss Raven

The Raven (Tolkien Fanfic) P3

 Chapter nine: The morning after I awoke to a knock at the door, I got dressed quickly and answered the door. Eru Illuvitar stood before me, I couldn't breathe for a moment. "My Lord Illuvitar, How can I be of service?" I asked in a small voice "Walk with me?" He replied I took this as an order and nodded. "It was a request not an order, My lady. Lord Illuvitar said We went outside and walked around the kingdom of Imladris. Lord Thranduil watched us, a frown forming on his face, I looked at him as if to say "Figured." After about an hour, we went inside and I went to the library, I had finished the book Lady Galadriel had lent to me and I returned it to her, now I was in need of something new to occupy me. Chapter ten: To the library I was looking at the books when Lord Thranduil tapped me on the shoulder and made me jump. I turned and looked at him, without hesitation he kissed me, I pulled away and looked at him. "I apologise My Lady, I don

The Raven (Tolkien Fanfic) P2

 Chapter five: New beginnings  We arrived back home, if I may call it that and found that decorations were being hung all over.  Lord Thranduil came over to greet us. Lindir bowed and took his leave as I looked at him for reassurance, he nodded and set about his duties. I stood awkwardly before Lord Thranduil, he smirked at my discomfort and took my hand.  Leading me to the table filled with food and drink. Yet still I stood there like a fool, not really understanding. I followed suit when everyone else sat down and began to eat, drink and talk. Had it not been for my seemingly misplaced anxiety, I seemed to be very welcome. Chapter six: After the feast A little later, a band started up with the sweetest music a person could hear. I sat in the corner and read from the book from earlier, during this time I became very tired yet since , I didn't really know if I could leave, I stayed and waited. After about an hour Lord Oropher came and sat by my side and softly said "You look t

The Raven (Tolkien Fanfic) P1

 Chapter one: The pain, The burn The pain was almost unbearable, yet I kept a straight face. Morgoth watched with a smirk as I struggled against the bonds. "I will ask you again Raven, who are you going to side with?" I glared at him and made no response, Again the burning pain flooded through my body, I gasped for air as if Morgoth had put his hand around my throat and began to suffocate me. Of course he hadn't but it still felt that way and everyday it went on for hours and hours. Chapter two: Imladris A door swung open and Lord Cirdan and Lord Elrond entered, I watched them carefully looking up from the book i borrowed from Lady Galadriel. "Are you okay Ravenna?" asked Lord Elrond in a gentle voice that i had now become accustomed to. I nodded putting the book aside ready for the questions I had already told them I did not have the answers to. Yet they asked nothing, they simply waited for me to say something and when I did not they exchanged a look.  It was

Just a little note to say

 Hey guys, I have a treat for you, i am going to put an (unfinished) short story on here, since i don't just want to do poems. I hope you enjoy. XoXo Miss Raven

What Hope Is

 I walk on a path, the path is called life. Through my life there have been plants. Some are beautiful and sweet. Some are nightmarish, shrouding my life in the dark. The sun in my life has gone away. I don't know when it will be back or even if it comes back. But I realise now that even through all the pain and supposed misery There are lessons, a small flower grows every now and then, proving its rarity proving it's beauty. It's sweet, and beautiful but so rare.  This little flower of purity and joy, with a sprinkling of happiness it makes that journey worth while. The pain is worth the everlasting sweetness,  even if the pain in turn lasts an eternity, The point being that no matter what you are going through or feeling there is HOPE! Hope is the little plant in the corner just waiting to be recognised and understood by a very broken heart. Hope is the Christmas gift or Birthday one hopes to receive even more than the iphone or ps4. Hope gets starving little children up

broken heart

 My heart breaks  i see the shadows of the past on anothers face, my heart breaks,  i see the tears of pain on anothers face, my heart breaks, they are unwhole, just like my heart. Broken  Broken, Oh what to do?