The Raven (Tolkien Fanfic) P2

 Chapter five: New beginnings 

We arrived back home, if I may call it that and found that decorations were being hung all over. 

Lord Thranduil came over to greet us. Lindir bowed and took his leave as I looked at him for reassurance, he nodded and set about his duties.

I stood awkwardly before Lord Thranduil, he smirked at my discomfort and took my hand. 

Leading me to the table filled with food and drink. Yet still I stood there like a fool, not really understanding.

I followed suit when everyone else sat down and began to eat, drink and talk. Had it not been for my seemingly misplaced anxiety, I seemed to be very welcome.

Chapter six: After the feast

A little later, a band started up with the sweetest music a person could hear.

I sat in the corner and read from the book from earlier, during this time I became very tired yet since , I didn't really know if I could leave, I stayed and waited.

After about an hour Lord Oropher came and sat by my side and softly said "You look tired, My Lady, Perhaps you should go for a walk to wake up a little or turn in?"

I softly smiled in  response.

"I would be happy to accompany you." Said a voice

Oropher and I looked up to see Thranduil.

I nodded not wanting to offend anybody.

Chapter seven: Out and about

We wondered away from the party, and suddenly Lord Thranduil grabbed my arm. 

I turned toward him surprised and a little scared.

"My Lord?" I looked at him with questioning eyes

The Lord Thranduil smiled "I knew your mother, you look just like her Ravenna."

I had never talked about her since I had never met her but this brought a smile to my face.

"Thank you My Lord... I think she was kind." I replied

"Yes and beautiful, yet I think you are even more so especially when you smile."

I blushed as his hand reached up and moved my hair out of my face, I flinched a little, which of course did not go unnoticed.

"I apologise, My Lady." said Thranduil suddenly

"It's okay, My Lord, Habit..."I smiled as if to try and please him.

Chapter eight: Eru? Really

A horn went off and we quickly made our way back to see none other than Eru Illuvitar, People crowded round in wonder as I backed into the shadows almost subconsciously.

I knew things, I knew things i should not have known and in that moment the most scariest flashback occurred.


That burning pain, That face, Those whispers "I'm coming, I'll find you, I'll take everything from you."

The same words from my nightmares, Why He was a trigger I don't know.

All I knew was that when He was around it was unsafe.

Back to Reality

Lindir was by my side asking if I was okay and what occurred.

I got up quicker than lightening and said quickly that I was fine and must have been tired.

Lindir said he would accompany me back to my chambers and as we passed He and Lord Elrond exchanged a hurried and concerned look.

"You were crying out "You won't, You can't." said Lindir 

"Are you okay Raven? He asked

I nodded and said "Its the same in my dream but perhaps it was all because of the excitement of tonight, I will be fine, did anyone notice?" 

Lindir shook his head "Goodnight."

"Goodnight" i replied giving him a hug


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