Ebony's' story (Not A True Story )

 Waking up is the hardest part of the day, having to leave through this hell.

Next its getting ready for college, what's the point?

Paying attention in class, why bother?

A bright young star dimming by the second

this is ebony.

Ebony the one that always smiles and is so polite, she never cries at least not on the outside and not publicly.

a sweet and tender young flower at her height yet so soon to fall,

Only in a human life it is not like autumn, because at least in autumn there is some level of beauty.

Alone in the back of the class

undaring to enter the lunch hall

unnoticed, invisible and uncared for.

She gets back home and her father a vicious drunk beats her again and again but with cold words not his fists not always.

A while later unable to take it any longer and hating herself she takes her old mans gun and goes to her yard.

She checks if it has bullets in it and it does have only one. 

But one is all she needs she tells herself.

Poor fading flower, no on is aiding her.

Poor innocence long missing, long lost.

She places a note on the door

and all its says is

"Papa, its my time, the angel of death has come knocking and as much as i tried to ignore, i knew you wouldn't care if i stayed or left. I wanna be with mamma at least I know she loved me very much.

To those from college, you never even knew I existed nor knew that I walked the halls the same ones you still do. You never knew my heart nor how I hurt.

Don't worry, I am gone now and I think with mamma I will be in peace and if I go to hell like I was told before, surely you must be glad. For I am no longer a burden, nor am I invisible any longer. For I am dead and gone."

Goodbye Ebony "Ebby" Grace Jackson Mills

"BANG!" The gun goes off. 

Dogs start to bark, Ebony's father wakes from his drunken sleep and goes to yell at her for waking him, he stops and stares unable to do anything. He snatches the note and falls to his knees.

The next day a memorial at the school was held then the funeral, the whole town turned up.

On  little Ebony's gravestone it said

Here lies:

Miss Ebony "Ebby" Grace Jackson Mills


Born: 5July 26th 1990

Died: July 29 2004

"A sweet angel gone to soon,

 Missed forevermore."

This was little ebony's life she was only fourteen.

Now gone forever more!


  1. This is my fave piece that I have written so far.


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