The Raven (Tolkien Fanfic) P1

 Chapter one: The pain, The burn

The pain was almost unbearable, yet I kept a straight face. Morgoth watched with a smirk as I struggled against the bonds.

"I will ask you again Raven, who are you going to side with?"

I glared at him and made no response, Again the burning pain flooded through my body, I gasped for air as if Morgoth had put his hand around my throat and began to suffocate me.

Of course he hadn't but it still felt that way and everyday it went on for hours and hours.

Chapter two: Imladris

A door swung open and Lord Cirdan and Lord Elrond entered, I watched them carefully looking up from the book i borrowed from Lady Galadriel.

"Are you okay Ravenna?" asked Lord Elrond in a gentle voice that i had now become accustomed to.

I nodded putting the book aside ready for the questions I had already told them I did not have the answers to.

Yet they asked nothing, they simply waited for me to say something and when I did not they exchanged a look. 

It was one I recognised and concern started to take over my body in an uncontrollable way.

Had I done something wrong?

Was there any news about the war?

Did they want me to leave?

I rose quickly and they did the same.

"My Lady... said Lord Cirdan 

I did not reply, I did  not realise he had spoken for a moment.

"My Lords?" I said unsure

"You are pale, you seem unwell, are you okay?"

I nodded and sat down again.

Chapter three: Friends or Foe

"Is everything alright?" I said in a fearful and quiet voice

Cirdan nodded and replied "Lord Oropher has arrived  along with his son and grandson, also it isn't good for you to be here all alone in here all the time, Lindir said he would take you for a walk if you wanted." 

I nodded with a small smile, there was a knock at the door and Lindir entered.

Chapter four: The beauty of nature

We walked past Lord Oropher and his family, as Legolas looked at me in wonder, we walked into the wood nearby.

"How are you finding it here, My Lady?" asked Lindir in elven

"Different, I suppose, my Lord but it is a positive difference." I replied

"Despite your anxiety My lady? He questioned

"Anxiety? I suppose many people may not like me because of my parentage." I answered softly

"I suppose My Lady." Lindir smiled softly

I paused in my stride and looked at Lindir "Call me Raven, We're friends aren't we? "

Lindir nodded "As you wish."

There was a moment of silence

"Of course we are Raven."

I smiled and we made our way back.




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