
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sweet Marie

  Sweet Marie where shall I find Thee,  What am I to do Alone without Ye. Who am I to be. Is there a future, for Ye and Me,  Will We ever have the chance to be, Is it just a chance of wait and see? Sweet, Sweet Marie,  How I do love Thee.

What is a shadow without the light

  the flicker of a candle that lights up a room, casts shadows agaisnt the wall, a small child, afraid of the dark is hiding under the blankets in the very thing they fear, a bright angel comes and shows the child the fun of the shadows  and a black spirit shows the child the saftey of the night, better to be in the dark then have everything be to bright. The child learns to put value on the light and darkness, to understand true equality, you cannot have light without the dark, love without the hate, pain without the peace and death without the life.

Sweet Winter WonderLand

I look around the snowy field, and although I am dressed for Summer, I feel no cold. I grab my phone and put my favourite winter song on -christmas time with you by linsey stirling. I dance around the field, and see a friend of mine, He is much older than I am and seems sad.  I always valued Him, and cared deeply for Him.  I walk upto Him, but He doesn't seem to see me. He has tears in His eyes and whispers "I wonder where my little Raven went." I am confused and hurt now, for despite my name being Anna Grace, He always called Me Raven, due to my Raven black hair. To take My mind off this strangeness, I spin around in the snow only to notice I am wearing a pure white dress, I never wear dresses. Usually only Jeans, boots and a top. I never wear white and I never wear pink, yet I have pink slip on shoes on, it starts to snow again. I stop spinning aound to see Edward (my friend) crying, I frown. I don't like my friends being sad, I go to hug Him but it seems I can'

Happier without me-So it must be

  Now I see I hurt You, I know it's hard but now I free You. You look happier now, Him and You. A smile, A nod, A wave will hide the truth, I keep my distance... In the corner of the room with vintage wine. I wish You were Mine, but I don't deserve You. At least now You're happier, Him and You. Perhaps some day I will be too.

Summer holiday-a danger

  I like school, even with No friends, its my escape from my cruel life, that God handed me.  I don't like the summertime and it's not the heat that bothers me, It's the hand around my throat, The bruises He didn't realise he caused. Not so much on my skin, more in my heart...In my soul. Yet I still do not see Him as a soulless monster, I just see myself as alone all along. This is what I prefer, although I wish there was a way to make Him deter.  I am more of a prisoner of my own mind rather than His arms... I wish I had a coat of arms to protect me on a shield. Although I would never cause him harm, You don't bite the hand that feeds you, nor the hand that created you.

Little Me

  Dear Little Me, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect You, I guess Our childhood was a bit like poop. Now You're older and You fear the touch of even a Lover, You really miss Your closest brother (K) You understood more than You should, and You didn't understand enough at the same time. You're now in You're youth, not yet in Your prime. You almost think it's time, but Your fear an abduction and that would break Your soul.

Dashing through the snow

  Dashing through the snow, I wish You would let Me go. When did You stoop so low,  You're meant to be My Uncle. My family, but You prefer My tears,  Even after all these years. I guess I'll never confront My fears, You really only left Me filled with tears.

(TW CH-SA) Pretty Pretty Polly (P2) A Chilhood

  My Brother went away, The old man came.  My Brother looked for me, I was locked away. In the Deep Dark basement, I heard Him every summer. With my Assailant, He never had a clue,  Of what that Man would do, In the Deep Dark basement. I got older and He got sicker, I had to learn to forgive. Then the Man went mental and shot Me,  Sure it was a shock to Me as I meet My Brother again. Now I go back to the Dark.

(TW CH-SA) Pretty Pretty Polly

  Pretty Pretty Polly, He never paid the price,  It seems Fate rolled an ugly dice. I suppose, to do it more than twice, It was never ever nice, He did it more and more, Until You were a bore. Others would blame You,  Ask You what you wore,  But you were never that! Never a Whore. There was a Law and it was broken, Just like Your heart,  and Your Brothers, and even possibly Your Mothers.

Missing a Daddies love

  I knew my Daddy once, except I didn't really know Him. He broke My heart twice and then He did it again, Yet My arms still reach out to Him, or at least where He once stood, longing for His return. My heart is screaming and My mind is sobbing. When He does not  return, I am Stoic and seemingly Uncaring. I look for a Daddy in every Man I meet. There is never a replacement. My heart is Broken, yet My Faith remains in the One Father that loves me unconditionally.  When I think I am evil or unloveble, He loves Me greatly. Unlike the Man in Man-kind

A barmaids tale (TW SA/CH.M/DMA)

I take the stage at the bar I work at and I look around at the many vulcans socializing.  As I start to sing it seems everyone in the room stops and watches 'the show', but then my 'husband' walks in and despite him being Vulcan I know that I am in danger.  I am five minutes late.  The fear on my face is evident, and mt collegue working the bar suddenly understands, Why i am always injured in one way or another.  I feel everything slipping out of control, as my collegeue approaches my 'husband' and calls him out on not only bieng a Woman B***er but a P******le, and a R****t.  A fight starts and my 'husband' loses.  I just keep singing O'come O'come Emmanual, as my 'husband' bleeds out on the floor and my collegue explains everything that I told him.

A ravens solace

  I hesitate as I look at the door leading to the potions classroom, it is way after hours and I have just realised, I don't want to die. I knock on the door and enter before Professor Snape can respond, He is grading papers. He looks up and glares at me. "What do you want Miss Ravenna?" Severus askes curtly I respond "Do you know what Belladonna syrup is?" "Of course I do, why do you ask about such a thing" Snape responds somewhat annoyed I slam the empty vial down on his desk, which startles him.  "Why?" Snape whispers turning pale I pause for a moment and tell Him the whole story, it is safe to say ge did not expect what i told him and I don't think anyone could have, it didn't seem real. "Severus, I don't want to die." i say with tears in my eyes (it is a rare thing for me to show emotion) Professor snape raises an eyebrow at my using his name but he gives me the antidote and tries his best to comfort me, which was u


  Hey guys, sorry i haven't been here for a while, been busy and i still am, i will try and write more hope you are all doing well and if you're not thats okay, i hope i inspire you