When I Die


I know no one will read any of this until I am dead and even then I doubt anyone will care. 

Yet, If any of My work is read then please know I meant every word,

I am so damaged and I don't have alot of people by my side but those that are I cherish.

People that are close to me I valuble beyond anything I have ever known because in the past I have never had anyone. So to have a family is the greatest gift of all, Even when there is no blood relation. 

I have so much to say but I might as well give up I have so much To give  and showbut I might as well just hide it all away.

I have so much potential but not enough time to do anything, despite laying in bed all day feeling hopeless and aggrevated often.

I have so much love to give but not enough people to give it to.

Those I am close to I am never close enough to. 

Miss Raven 


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