stereotypes II


If you are any knid of female wearing anything and speaking in anyway, you are judged, if you wear makeup you are insecure, if you were attractive outfits you are filled with pride and vain.

If you wear your hair in braids and you aren't- African/African American/African Britsh or just have a darker skin tone then it is "culteral approopriation." It really shouldn't matter what people wear or how they have their hair, as long as people are respectful. 

If you are someone with a darker skintone then you are assumed guilty and a criminal.

If you are straight and white and Male you are instantly the villain.

If you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community (which I am) then you are instantly a "victim."

If you are a "school-going" child, you are overworked and overtired without credible reason, then people say you a lazy.

If you are the school freak (which I was) Then you don't fit in, you should kill yourself, But when you do your haters suddenly love you but now you are the "sob story."

When anyone is hurting they are attention seeking until they kill themselves.

Censorship has gone too far and there always has to be that person to police the comments in case they get offended and decides no one likes the thing they dislike.

How do we learn about things like:


Rape/Sexual Assult,



+ more

If we don't mention it.

Everyone is fake we all, want the truth until it appiles to ourselves.

I've met children more mature and secure then all the "adults" i've ever met.

What is society really teaching!

and why...

whats with the stereotypes, 

what is with hiding everything,

incluing personal information being kept from those it belongs to.

I ask once more 

what is with the stereotypes,

what is with hiding everything,

what is with the lies.

Are you so afraid of the truth you'd rather live in a lie?! 


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