What If We Never


Sometimes, it is as if you cannot hear me, as if I am unheard. 

It hurts and yet deep down I know that you don't mean to appear as if you cannot hear me. 

Yet, there seems to be nothing I can do to convince you to listen to my voice and as much as I love you and want what is best for you, sometimes I feel as if it is best left unsaid.

Your unpredictability makes you seem so dangerous, and so distant, yet I know deep down how you feel and what you really want. 

What you want if to be comforted and perhaps heard yourself, You want to feel safety and love and most of all you want stability.

I know that because we both want all those things.

We also want a relationship that works, and yet it seems like an impossible mountain to climb.

Despite how much we love each other, Yet everyday I want to  believe this struggle is worth it and we will get to the top with a smile on our faces and love coming from our hearts.

But what if we never reach the top of that mountain?

With all my heart I wish that we will. 

I cherish you.

Miss Raven


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