This is not a poem or really even a story. 


I have been hurt, now I am simply numb, I have never known true love, or real care 

I have been hurt and betrayed by pretty much most of the people in my life.

This includes Family, "Friends" and people I don't even know.

I have a big world all to myself, yet dark tendencies and wishes sometimes, in both.

My little world is no less real than this one, you could say it has become a coping mechanism... One that is so ingrained into my soul that it won't ever go away. 

I have wasted my life pretty much, I am messy and although I prefer tidy places and such I just can't be tidy,

By society's standard I am disabled or stupid or whatever you choose to label me. 

But firstly i have no such disability because there is no such thing. 

Secondly, I am not some stupid freak, because on one is normal or even typical and because no one could have done what I have done. 

I am that one person in every generation that on one gets until after the fact, in my own way i am a genius just not the type who can solve a computer issue or tell you what Ec=squared means. Although I am sure that is something to do with the Atom Bomb. 

If I were to stick around which I probably but quiet honestly won't I would get rid of the current Worldwide government, Get rid of any monachy and I would ensure children had strict unbreakable disapline, Lets face it my generation could not handle the military but at the same time the generations from the past have done worst things then having a lack a disapline and respect. 

Many people some who are dead now how tried to show you the way, the light but you turn a blind eye then two minutes later complain about stupid things.

And too America firstly, My body is my body and if i want an abortion thats my business, you cannot tell people what to do with their bodies, come at me and you will burn.

Secondly, you aren't even american, you go far enough back and you are british, you are pretty much all racists because only the "native indian american" are true americans, if you truly want to label people if not then grow up because originally we all come from africa, therefore there is no race. 

To those damaging the planet, well done, you wanna know a fact, either way I don't care, all the animals that came before are worth more than humanity put together! They are more intelligent, they are kind and sweet. 

Humanity is just a MASSIVE OVERSIZED WORTHLESS CANCER! And I won't  backtrack and say i never meant any of this because I do, I say what I mean.

Next thing is you are all to sensitive, you whine over everything but don't do anything about it, if you really care prove IT!

Humanity  really is worthless, 

I have given you the information the truths you have needed to hear and Now you are on your own. 

I don't care anymore, we will destroy ourselves and you know what we deserve it.

I am done wasting my time while you are wasting the planet, and to those who bullied me in school have fun with your hopefully if you have children that they at least grow up to be decent unlike you. 

I'm out


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