(published piece) Empower


Lizzie walked into the massive classroom and her mind started to go wildwith all the anxiety she felt as soon as she set foot in the car park.

As all eyes turned to her, She felt as if she was being suffocated.

The more they watched her as she moved to give her new college teacher her late note, the less empowered Lizze felt.

Lizzie's mother had always said "no matter what, always believe in yourself." 

Mr Clarkson simply directed Lizzie to her seat and continued the lesson, not beothering to read the note.

The work set had lizze's mind spinning out of control.

Lizzie's anxiety built up like a boiling pot about to explode, a volcano.

A knock at the door b rought Lizzie back to reality, as everyone looked.

They saw an elegant young man named Marco, Lizze felt calm as the man spoke to her teacher and then sat next to Lizzie.

Mraco explained that he was there to assist her in any way required.

The next day everything semmed so much eaiser, with the help of Lizzie's kind and patient SEN'S officer, as they were called in this college , each day was calmer. 

Marco helped Lizze to feel empowered.

By Ellie- Rose Davis (18)


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