Forbidden love

 Anna gasped; she could barely breathe as tears filled her eyes.

Adrian watched her silently, not knowing how to calm his distressed bride...

I stopped typing not really knowing what to put next, a knock at the door stopped me in my tracks,

it was three in the morning; I answered the door and could hardly believe my eyes.

He has several names, such as: Dream, Morpheus, Dream-King and Kai-Ckul.

I tended to call him Dream/Dream-King.

"Dream, it's been a long time, last I heard you were imprisoned." I said

"Raven, you knew about that?" said Dream 

"Yes, My Lord, Desire informed me of your... Misfortune."I repiled

"Desire? How have you been these last two centuries?" said Dream

"Better than you I suppose , why are you here?" I asked



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