
Showing posts from October, 2022

As the shadows fall/ Imagine

 My pain, My dispair, I am dispondent and hopeless.  Not being able to understand the way I am and why, Not being able to trust anyone because I've been lied to so many times, It casts a shadow upon my life, one so dark that if this darkness could suffocate me it would be doing so- at every second of everyday! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Imagine Imagine never feeling safe, Imagine never knowing trust, Imagine being told a million different things! Imagine barely being able to get out of bed, Having no sense of Home or Hope! Imagine eing in a room full of people who just refuse to listen, yet when ypu've had enough and lash out they say things like "Act like an adult, Then we'll talk." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Imagine part two Imagine a foster carer who used to be a

Trauma in a Nutshell

 I hide under the covers, yet I know it's not really the dark I am afriad of, it's the dream world itself which seems more that a place of demons and nightmares.  Night-Terrors Personified! I try to keep awake for as long as possible, but it is so hard! When I am finally captured by sleep, I am restless, I am plagued. Then the circus act truly begins, my nightmares are taking me back to those traumatic times once more! Then I awake! Shaking with fear and frustraion and with sorrow. Yet I still don't feel safe, I can't eat pr drink and i am uncontrollably messy. The judgement of my peers just makes it worse. Miss raven

Forbidden love

 Anna gasped; she could barely breathe as tears filled her eyes. Adrian watched her silently, not knowing how to calm his distressed bride... I stopped typing not really knowing what to put next, a knock at the door stopped me in my tracks, it was three in the morning; I answered the door and could hardly believe my eyes. He has several names, such as: Dream, Morpheus, Dream-King and Kai-Ckul. I tended to call him Dream/Dream-King. "Dream, it's been a long time, last I heard you were imprisoned." I said "Raven, you knew about that?" said Dream  "Yes, My Lord, Desire informed me of your... Misfortune."I repiled "Desire? How have you been these last two centuries?" said Dream "Better than you I suppose , why are you here?" I asked TO BE CONTINUED