Lords and Ladies of the West- An Anthology 1 ( Siladhiel's chapter)

 I sat down staring at that repulsive elleth and her servant friend, I had hoped she would have the sense to avoid those lower than we are but judging by her upbringing I suppose I should not have been so shocked.

She apparently even had a half breed cousin by the name of  Beleg, For he was said to be a half-human, 

I was concentrating on my work as I was always a good student, I was the best. 

The door swung open as Lord Aerdirnaithon entered, he walked to his seat which was next to me as the teacher Anphenion said "Ah, My Lord Aerdirnaithon, you finally arrived how nice of you to grace us with your presence. I almost forgot, we have a new student Lady Huredhiel is new here and I expect you all to be respectful and just so you understand me clearly, Miss Anameleth is a student too, and she is to be respected as much as you would respect any other of your peers, if I find out you do not then there will be serious consequences! Do I make myself clear!"

"Yes sir." everyone replied

"Good, today will will be practising The Cirth, take out your pads and quills, and starting coping the runes. You must become good at this as it will impact alot of your day to day life if you wish to go far and even become scholars.

"Haha, like little Anameleth will ever be a scholar, she is of lower class and standing, for she is a servant" Yelled a young elf loudly.

"Thorontir, you are of similar standing and you should have learnt a long time ago when to keep your mouth shut, see me after class" scolded Aerdirnaithon 

everybody but Thorontir, Anameleth and Huredhiel and I laughed.

After class I saw Thorontir talking to Anameleth and Huredhiel which angered me, How dare he talk to those lesser I thought.

"Hey, Thorontir, Looks like you found the trash, mind taking it out? I said coolly

"No need to be rude, Siladhiel, maybe if you got to know me or Anameleth or even Huredhiel then maybe you might have a change of thought.

I stormed off in disgust.


  1. Thorontir was apologising for his behavour and he felt bad about it he even cried when he got home


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