
Showing posts from September, 2022


I apologise for not writing the anthology promised, this is in working thus far, i do however have some other things i have written for you that i hope you enjoy. Miss Raven

deep emotion

Taken away much too soon, deep sadness has not time to rest when etched upon a soul half-broken.    D epression in a slumber , breaking down a lost and already injured soul, tired and alone.    A great, dark, haunting tunnel, one that goes endlessly straight on like a party of soldiers marching on to war, death and destruction.    Some soldiers in life whether young or old matters not nor their gender , they’ll sometimes return home with an unsettled mind, a calm mind and a happy life awaiting or not at all, in a wooden box perhaps.   Rest assured death is the one common and sure thing to occur for and to all. Manner of death is somewhat irrelevant although the passing of a loved one hurts no less, we must pull out the bullet from our enemy and saving grace alike, which of course is time, each minute of our different but linked lives is important, special and one of a kind.    We in turn no matter how many lives spent here have different stories, in some way we are all connected, this

shadows surrounding

  Shadows surrounding   The shadows surround me, suffocating.   I try and run away but They are like a toxic gas.   I can barely breathe!   My fear of the darkness overwhelming.     The tree roots on the ground keep me rooted...   To an eternally sinking ground.   I struggle.   But I know the more I struggle the faster they...   Will drag me down to Hell and kill me.   Yet I still continue to struggle.   I don’t think this time my stubbornness will help me.. .   So even if I get loose I will still have to do it over and over...   It seems to last forever.   Will I ever see the light?   And will I ever have a chance?   Or am I damned?   Was it a losing battle from the start?   Who knows?   By Miss Raven

quick note

 hey guys sorry i haven't posted in a while to be honest i haven't had alot of ideas for this anthology but I have most the names. I am thinking of doing a coraline spinoff what do you think? love miss raven

Lords and Ladies of the West- An Anthology 1 ( Siladhiel's chapter)

 I sat down staring at that repulsive elleth and her servant friend, I had hoped she would have the sense to avoid those lower than we are but judging by her upbringing I suppose I should not have been so shocked. She apparently even had a half breed cousin by the name of  Beleg, For he was said to be a half-human,  I was concentrating on my work as I was always a good student, I was the best.  The door swung open as Lord Aerdirnaithon entered, he walked to his seat which was next to me as the teacher Anphenion said "Ah, My Lord Aerdirnaithon, you finally arrived how nice of you to grace us with your presence. I almost forgot, we have a new student Lady Huredhiel is new here and I expect you all to be respectful and just so you understand me clearly, Miss Anameleth is a student too, and she is to be respected as much as you would respect any other of your peers, if I find out you do not then there will be serious consequences! Do I make myself clear!" "Yes sir." eve