Lords and Ladies of the West- An Anthology 1 (Huredhiel's chapter)

Chapter one: lady Huredhiel Arrives

"Nin Hiril, You are welcome." Greeted Lord Alyan 

As we passed by I nodded in response, I had only just got off the ship to what would be my home for a long while before I would move to a farm like area with my cousin Lord Beleg.

Upon entering the great hall, I was surprised by the size of it. 

Many people looked up in wonder as we stood there, we, being my guardian- Lord Rilien of Imladris

A young elleth came to my side and took my bag, as I glanced at my guardian in surprise, He simply nodded and I followed the young Elleth.

"What's your name" I asked

"Anameleth, My lady" Anameleth replied in a gentle tone

"Anameleth, You are similar to my age are you not?" Said I 

"I believe so, My lady." the elleth responded dryly

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you." I responded 

"You have not, it is my mistake, I socialize very little Nin Hiril." Anameleth responded 

We came to a sudden stop as I asked "Will you be studying with me?"

"No, My lady, I am not of your graceful class, I am a mere servant."

 "Do you want to?" asked I

"Oh yes, I wished as a young child to become a scholar, but alas this is not my fate Nin Hiril."

I nodded sadly, and entered the room, as Anameleth left me to my own devices and she left to complete the rest of her duties for the day.

After about an hour I left my chambers and went to speak to the great lord Meldiron.

I knocked on the door, and was told to enter, as I did so I realised that Our great Lord seemed a little out of it.

"My lord may I ask a favour of you?" Said I

"Go ahead child," He said looking up at me with a look of attraction. (yet I don't think that was because I was trying to get his attention. Not that He ever tried anything, Honourable as ever."

"I was wondering if it might be possible for Anameleth to take classes with me?"

"Your Maid? Well I don't see why not, I feel as if everyone should have equal chance, but I wonder why you come to me with this child, not many especially of your age would think of having such a kind heart." said Lord Meldiron

"I believe it would be right, no more no less, I suppose I kind of see her as a friend already." I said

"Kind child, Lend Calathiel, She will start the same time as you which I believe is Monday, I will tell her myself.

"Oh Thank you My lord. You called me " Lend Calathiel, this name means sweet light if I remember correctly?"

"Ah, yes, you are sweet and seem to have such a light and positive Faer."

"Thank you my lord" 

I left for my chamber as it was now quite late, I was very excited the next day when Anameleth knocked on my door, she came to me and hugged me thanking me many times throughout the day.

Monday came and Anameleth and I made our way to class filled with excitement

Some turned to us, A young elleth around our age came up to us and said to me "I'm Siladhiel, I suggest to dump the servant girl, and be my friend, join our group."

"I am Huredhiel, and Anameleth is my friend, whether she is a servant girl or not is irrelevant, because I know she has a kind heart and is hard working, unlike you, you think every thing is to be handed to you on a silver or golden platter, Well, here is a wake up call for you and your "group" The world does not revolve around you."

Siladhiel gasped and looked down her nose at me, "well we know where little lady Huredhiel stands, With the scum."

Her little "group" snickered

I rolled my eyes and retorted "Well, we all know where little Siladhiel stands, with the Uppity Brats"

Anameleth, looked at me in shock but wasn't about to defend herself.

The Teacher came in and told us to sit down.

We all obeyed  


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