Falling Rainbows crashing

 The rainbows are now crashing as I transcend into adulthood

Not that they were there much before most of them left long long ago.

I sigh, my raven black hair swirling around in the wind, a storm is brewing.

A storm is brewing. 

I feel nothing but anger mostly, but the rest of the time I am numb.

I have been pretending so long to have normal emotional patterns that for a while even i believed it.

Yet when not angry I feel nothing. 

I listen to music all the time to block out something more deafening...

The Silence.

I run to the depths of my mind just to escape a reality I can no longer bare to be apart of, one that no longer if it ever did makes any sense.

One that is somehow colder than my stone-cold heart that was abandoned and left in the dirt long ago.

I sometimes think eighteen years is too much and too long yet to the universe it is less than a blink.

An eternity in hell being tortured by Lucifer himself would be better than one more day being around humans.

If there was any good in life or in humans then it is long forgotten.

We are all just savages just trying to make sense of the insensible and win a race that no one can or will ever win

Even Life asked Death, "Why does everybody hate you but love me?"

Death replied "Because you are a beautiful LIE and I am a painful Truth."

Even Life has to realise by what the dark angel said that life itself must be the bad guy in the war for it is the lie.

Yet death we hate as much as we hate those that lie

Truth is nothing lasts forever and if we found it did we would soon find we wouldn't want it too.

There is only one power and how you choose to use it. 

Its the same power given to everyone. 


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