
Showing posts from August, 2022

Lords and Ladies of the West- An Anthology 1 (Huredhiel's chapter)

Chapter one: lady Huredhiel Arrives "Nin Hiril, You are welcome." Greeted Lord Alyan  As we passed by I nodded in response, I had only just got off the ship to what would be my home for a long while before I would move to a farm like area with my cousin Lord Beleg. Upon entering the great hall, I was surprised by the size of it.  Many people looked up in wonder as we stood there, we, being my guardian- Lord Rilien of Imladris A young elleth came to my side and took my bag, as I glanced at my guardian in surprise, He simply nodded and I followed the young Elleth. "What's your name" I asked "Anameleth, My lady" Anameleth replied in a gentle tone "Anameleth, You are similar to my age are you not?" Said I  "I believe so, My lady." the elleth responded dryly "Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you." I responded  "You have not, it is my mistake, I socialize very little Nin Hiril." Anameleth responded  We came to a

quick note

 Hey guys Got something big coming, I hope you like it, I am going to do a little anthology. Its going to have elves in it many of them, its going to have little adventures with each elf/elleth (female elf) having a little chapter/ story. Some elves/elleth's may come up in other stories. I am really excited about this. I hope you like it when it comes out.  Good bye for now  Miss Raven

Falling Rainbows crashing

 The rainbows are now crashing as I transcend into adulthood Not that they were there much before most of them left long long ago. I sigh, my raven black hair swirling around in the wind, a storm is brewing. A storm is brewing.  I feel nothing but anger mostly, but the rest of the time I am numb. I have been pretending so long to have normal emotional patterns that for a while even i believed it. Yet when not angry I feel nothing.  I listen to music all the time to block out something more deafening... The Silence. I run to the depths of my mind just to escape a reality I can no longer bare to be apart of, one that no longer if it ever did makes any sense. One that is somehow colder than my stone-cold heart that was abandoned and left in the dirt long ago. I sometimes think eighteen years is too much and too long yet to the universe it is less than a blink. An eternity in hell being tortured by Lucifer himself would be better than one more day being around humans. If there was any good