Where did the air go?

 The air has gone, yet it only seems to affect me,

Along with a small percentage of other people.

For me the air being gone is like being forced

Under ice cold water.

The pain is unendurable.

Yet I have to endure this every second of every day.

I struggle violently as my lungs attempt to bring in air,

That no longer exists.

All because I keep constantly drowning,

In these ice cold yet shallow waters.

There is no real  way out, if i want to survive,

I must endure this senseless pain.

If I want to be at peace, I must allow the waters to take me.

Perhaps, I shall.

There is no other way out of my predicament,

Where I survive.

Perhaps it is time for me to...

Drift down this lonely river,

 Off the edge of the raging waterfall.



  1. Anonymous6/15/2022

    The memories of our sweet free laughter, the hugs, the kisses on cheek, the battles won and victories gained, oh where did she go, I hear my heavy heart cry? My soul should have known better.

    1. This is an interesting comment thank you for commenting


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